History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools


Pearson Edexcel Migrants, c800-present

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American West More

Why was the American West so fiercely contested in the years 1835-1895? An overview

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Is History Review right about the ‘lurching’ US government policy towards Plains Indians?

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Catlin More

How much can we learn from George Catlin about the Plains Indian way of life?


American migration More

Were migrants pushed from the East, or pulled from the West?

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Donner Party More

Why did the Donner Party’s westward migration prove to be such a disaster?

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Silk Roads Lessons and Assessment Package

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Scott Duniway More

What do the experiences of Abigail Scott Duniway reveal about life on the Great Plains?

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Fort Laramie More

What was the significance of the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851?

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What can the Henry Plummer case tell us about lawlessness in the new mining towns?

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Who benefitted most from the Homestead and Pacific Railway Acts?

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Barbed wire More

How effectively did settlers find solutions to the problems of life on the plains?

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Wild West More

Was the ‘Wild West’ really the ‘Mild West?

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Cattle Industry More

Was the growth of the railroads the main reason for the development of the cattle industry?

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Cowboys More

What was it like to be a cowboy in the mid-19th century?

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Why was Peter French murdered on his ranch – and how did his murderer evade justice?

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How damaging was the westward expansion of 1851-76 for the Plains Indian way of life?

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Munich Putsch More

Germany 1918-39 for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE

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Edexcel history GCSE More

How to get the most out of the Edexcel Modern World Depth Study: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39

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Berlin Wall More

Conflict and Tension 1945-72 – Scheme of Work

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Munich Putsch More

Germany 1890-1945 – Scheme of Work

Elizabeth dancing More

Elizabethan England 1568-1603 – Scheme of Work

Gaol More

Crime and Punishment – Scheme of Work

Hungarian uprising More

Super Power Relations and the Cold War 1941-91 – Scheme of Work

Living Conditions in Whitechapel More

Whitechapel 1880s – Scheme of work

Roman Toilet More

Did the Romans have the best toilets in history?

Horrible Histories reader More

Tidying up an eight-year-old’s set of Horrible Histories

British History More

What can different stories we tell about Britain 500-today? An overview

Edexcel history GCSE More

GCSE History: Guide to planning and teaching Edexcel 9-1 GCSE

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Crime and Punishment More

How to get the best out of the Edexcel Crime and Punishment 9-1 GCSE unit


Pentonville More

Crime and Punishment for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE

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Whitechapel More

How to get the most out of the Edexcel Whitechapel environmental unit


Whitechapel 1880s More

Whitechapel c1870-c1900 for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE

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Rope More

Crime and Punishment 1000AD to today: An overview

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Hanging More

What factors are important in the history of crime and punishment?


Saxons More

Was Saxon crime prevention primitive or sophisticated?

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Battle of Hastings More

Is Simon Schama right? Did William totally change Saxon crime prevention?


Cedric the Anglo Saxon More

How do you think Saxon Cedric will be punished?

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KS3 Curriculum More

The Essential Guide to the HRC Key Stage 3 Curriculum

The Middle Ages More

What happened during the Middle Ages: An overview

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Norman Conquest More

Norman Conquest – 6 lesson knowledge rich enquiry SOW free download.


Edward the Confessor More

Who should be the next King?


Bayeaux Tapestry ships More

Was England ripe for invasion in 1066?


Harold Godwinson More

What problems did Harold face in the summer of 1066?

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Battle of Hastings More

What happened at the Battle of Hastings? A role play


Battle of Hastings reconstruction More

Has the Battle of Hastings artist done his homework?

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Norman conquest More

For people living at the time, was the Norman Conquest a change for the better?


Norman Conquest knowledge organiser More

Norman Conquest knowledge organiser – free download

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Marc Morris More

Did the historian Marc Morris get it right about the significance of the Norman Conquest?


Norman Knowledge Test More

Norman Conquest substantive knowledge test


Battle of Hastings More

Is Simon Schama correct about the Battle of Hastings?


Medieval Religion and Beliefs – 5 Enquiry SOW free download



Was the medieval period really an ‘Age of Faith’? An overview


Doom paintings More

How much can Doom paintings reveal about Medieval attitudes to the afterlife?


Pilgrimage 1 More

Why on earth would anyone go on a medieval pilgrimage?

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Med Church Knowledge Organiser More

Medieval Beliefs Knowledge Organiser

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Crusades More

Why do historians disagree about the Crusades? 1



Why do historians disagree about the Crusades? 2



Medieval Beliefs Substantive Knowledge Test


Durham Knocker More

Medieval Murder: Changing crime prevention in the late Middle Ages


Power in the Medieval Period More

Medieval Power – 6 enquiry free download



Who was the best Medieval Monarch? An overview


Henry II More

Who was the most successful Plantagenet monarch? Part 1: Henry II


Richard I More

Who was the most successful Plantagenet monarch? Part 2: Richard I



Who was the most successful Plantagenet monarch? Part 3: John


Edward III More

Why was Edward III such a successful medieval monarch?


Medieval Power KO More

Medieval Power Knowledge Organiser

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Barons, knights and empresses: Why was the monarchs’ authority challenged in the medieval period?


Medieval Power Test More

Medieval Power Substantive Knowledge Test


Richard the Lionheart More

Revealing who was the real Richard the Lionheart

King John More

Was King John really nasty, selfish and terrible?


How should we commemorate Licoricia of Winchester?

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Medieval Ordinary Lives – 6 enquiry free unit overview



Dirty, boring and treacherous: Was medieval village life really that bad? An overview


Peasant life More

What were peasants’ lives really like?


Wharram Percy revenants More

Why were the remains of ten people buried in a pit away from the main churchyard in Wharram Percy?


Peasant year More

What was the farming year like for ordinary people?


Medieval Ordinary Lives More

Medieval Ordinary Life Knowledge Organiser

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Crossrail archeology More

The mystery of the Charterhouse Square skeletons


Rat More

Why should we bother learning about the Black Death?



Peasants Revolt decision maker: what would you have done?


Peasants Revolt More

What were the consequences of the Peasants Revolt?


Medieval Ordinary Lives test More

Medieval Ordinary Lives Substantive Knowledge Test


Death of Wat Tyler More

Is Wat Tyler significant enough to have a park named after him?

Bonfire More

Why were Monarchs so worried about new crimes 1500 – 1700?

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Was ‘the appearance and state of the world’ changed during the early modern period? (Overview)


Henry VIII More

Inside the mind of Henry VIII Decision-maker

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Henry VIII More

Should the National Portrait Gallery sell Henry VIII cushions?

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Religion and Beliefs in the Early Modern Period


Martin Luther More

Why did the ideas of Martin Luther go viral?



How should we tell the story of Richard Whiting’s execution?


Vandalised church More

Why was St Winifred’s Church vandalised in the 1500s?


Early Modern Beliefs More

Early Modern Beliefs Knowledge Organiser

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How far were ordinary people really impacted by the Reformation?



Early Modern Beliefs Substantive Knowledge Test



Cultural Encounters in the Early Modern Period



Why was privateering so common in the Early Modern Period?



Should Walter Raleigh be honoured with a national day of remembrance?



Was the Plymouth Colony of 1620 a success?



Early Modern Cultural Encounters Knowledge Organiser

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Can the vandalism of ‘Conquistador’ Hernàn Cortés’ memorial be justified?



What is the lasting legacy of the Spanish Empire?



Early Modern Cultural Encounters Substantive Knowledge Test


Elizabeth Armada portrait More

How to get the best out of the Edexcel British Depth Study: Early Elizabethan England

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Elizabeth I More

How to get the most out of the AQA Elizabethan England British Depth Study

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Sir Walter Raleigh More

ELIZABETHANS 1558-88 – Scheme of Work

Elizabeth I More

Early Elizabethan England for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE

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Elizabeth I More

Elizabethan England 1568-1603 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

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Young Elizabeth I More

How was Elizabeth’s character and reign shaped by events in her early life?

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Elizabeth I More

What problems did Elizabeth face at the beginning of her reign?

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Elizabeth authority More

How did Elizabeth maintain her authority?


Puritans More

How serious a challenge did Elizabeth face from the Puritans?

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Religious see-saw More

What kind of Church did Elizabeth choose in 1559?

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Mary Queen of Scots More

How big a threat was Mary Queen of Scots to Elizabeth in 1568?

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Thomas Percy More

What made the Northern Earls Revolt in 1569?

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Babingon postscript More

What threat did Catholic plots pose to Elizabeth?

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Mary Queen of Scots More

Can you update Ladybird’s explanation for the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots?

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Elizabeth I Painting More

How much does a 16th Century Dutch painting reveal about why England and Spain went to war?

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Drake More

How accurately does the film ‘Drake of England’, deal with the Spanish Armada and its failure?

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Elizabethan Poverty More

Why was there an increase in poverty and vagabondage in Elizabethan England?

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Thomas Harman More

Was Elizabethan society really under threat from a ‘rascally rabbalage’ of vagabonds?

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Elizabeth dancing More

Was the Elizabethan period a ‘golden age’ of culture for Elizabethans?

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Elizabethan ships More

Why did so many Elizabethan sailors risk long and dangerous voyages overseas?

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Sir Walter Raleigh More

Who should survive a ‘rehang’ in the NPG – Raleigh or Drake?

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Essex More

Who was to blame for the Essex rebellion?

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Why have old Spanish Armada cannons been discovered on Irish beaches?

Mystery enquiry More

Mystery enquiry: Why were ‘they’ punished so harshly?


witch craze More

Was England really hit by a witch craze in the 17th century?



Early Modern Power SOW overview


English Civil War More

What were the causes of the English Civil War?



Was the English Civil War significant?


Cromwell More

Why did two history students argue about Oliver Cromwell?



Early Modern Power Knowledge Organiser

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‘A major shift in English politcal thought’: Is Howard Nenner right about the 18th century monarchy?



Was Blackadder right about 18th century elections?



Substantive knowledge test on Power in the Early Modern Period



Early Modern Ordinary Lives Overview



What can a print from 1640 tell us about life in the early modern period?

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Could you improve a museum exhibition on the Elizabethan poor?



Early Ordinary Lives Knowledge Organiser

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‘The most flourishing and opulent country in the world’: How much had England’s economy really improved?



Why was Temperance Lloyd executed in 1682?

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Why were so many Scottish women accused of witchcraft in the 17th century?

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Bloody Code More

Why was the Bloody Code introduced? Evaluating a dodgy internet site

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Early Modern Ordinary Lives Substantive Knowledge Test


Barrels More

Was smuggling viewed as a serious crime in the 18th Century?

Nazi film More

Germany 1890-1945 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

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Cold War More

Super Power Relations and the Cold War for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE

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Cold War tension More

Conflict and Tension between East and West 1945-72 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

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Migration 1: The context of English Society before the Viking invasion

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Migration 2: Why did the Viking ‘sea-wolves’ invade England?

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Migration 3: Peaceful or pillaging: What was the impact of the Vikings in England?

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Migration 4: How did the Vikings change the city of York?

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Migration 5: Why did the Normans migrate to England in the years after 1066?

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Migration 6: What was the most significant aspect of the Norman invasion?

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Migration 7: How welcome were ‘denizens’ and ‘aliens’ in the later medieval period?

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Migration 8: How should we commemorate Licoricia of Winchester? GCSE version

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Migration 9: Why were European Jews persecuted during the 1300s?

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Migration 10: How typical is the migration story of ‘John Blanke the Blacke Trumpet’?

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Migration 11: Why did the Flemish migrate to England in the early modern period?

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Migration 12: How welcome were the Flemish migrants in Sandwich?

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Migration 13: How much can we learn from Hall’s Chronicle about ‘Evil May Day’?

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Migration 14: Why did so many Huguenots migrate to England during the early modern period?

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Migration 15: What was the impact of Huguenot migration in the 17th century?

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Migration 16: What was the nature of Roma Gypsy migration in the early modern period?

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Migration 17: How did the slave trade impact on migration to England in the early modern period?

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Migration 18: How did the growth of the British Empire impact on patterns of migration?

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Migration 19: Why was the life and work of Olaudah Equiano so significant?

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Migration 20: Is Wilson Williams right about the significance of the slave trade for Liverpool?

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Migration 21: What does the Slave Compensation Commission tell us about the impact of slavery in Britain?

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Migration 22: ‘A captive girl’… How typical were the experiences of Sarah Forbes Bonetta?

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Migration 23: Were lascar sailors really ‘the most exploited vagabonds of the sea’?

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Migration 24: Why was there so much internal migration in the 18th and 19th centuries?

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Migration 25: What impact did migrants have on British life and society?

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Migration 26: Drunken women and slip-shod vowels: How were Irish migrants received in Liverpool?

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Migration 27: How were Jewish migrants like Aaron Lieberman treated in London’s East End?

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Migration 28: How can we map the Jewish presence in London’s East End?

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Migration 29: How typical was Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech of attitudes towards migration in the 20th and 21st centuries?

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Migration 30: Why has the biggest influx of refugees in British history been forgotten?

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Migration 31: How were Caribbean soldiers treated during and after the First World War?

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Migration 32: Why was Charles Wotten murdered in 1919?

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Migration 33: How much can we learn from Paul Kuttner’s diaries about the Kindertransport of 1938-40?

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Migration 34: What were the experiences of Polish migrants to Britain in the post-1945 period?

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Migration 35: Why did the Windrush-era migrants make Britain their home?

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Migration 36: What would you put in a time capsule to commemorate the Windrush generation?

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Migration 37: What was the story of migrants’ experiences in Bristol in the 20th century?

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Migration 38: Were Leicester’s Ugandan Asians really ‘Britain’s most successful immigrant community’?

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Migration 39: What impact has European Union migration had on Britain?

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Migration 40: ‘Britain has provided a welcoming home for migrants throughout history’. How far do you agree?

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Persian Empire More

Silk Roads 1: Was Persia in fact, ‘ the Greatest of all ancient Empires?’


Mongols More

Silk Roads 2: How did The Silk Road Empires grow?


Silk Roads More

Silk Roads 3: Does the Silk Road deserve its name?



Silk Roads 4: How did emperors and violence spread the peace of Christianity?



Silk Roads 5: What can an interview with Peter Frankopan tell us about the importance of learning about the Silk Roads?



Guide to the HRC Diverse Key Stage 3 Curriculum

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Silk Roads Substantive Knowledge Test


Empire plate More

The connection between tea, coffee, clothes and an antique plate



1. Introduction task: What was the big story of the Medieval Period?

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2. Year 7 Diverse Curriculum Overview Knowledge Organiser

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Year 7 Diverse Overview Lessons package

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3. Was Leonardo Bruni right about the ‘ignorant and barbaric’ Middle Ages?

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4. Was there a clash of civilisations in medieval Europe?



5. How much movement was there in medieval Europe?



6. What did medieval Europeans know of the wider world?



7. How powerful was the Hansa League?



8. The Black Death or the Little Ice Age: Which had the biggest impact?



9. Year 7 Diverse Curriculum Overview Tarsia

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10. Year 7 Diverse Overview Knowledge Test



11. Year 7 Diverse Curriculum Overview Written Assessment

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1. Introduction Task: What impact did migrant groups have on the development of early Britain?

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2. Migrants to Early Britain Knowledge Organiser

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Year 7 Migration to Early Britain Lessons package

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3. What can archaeological remains tell us about Celtic life in Britain?



4. How did Boudicca resist the Roman invaders?

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5. What can we learn from Ivory Bangle Lady about Roman migration to Britain?

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6. Which migrant group had the biggest impact on early Scotland?



7. Was Bede right about the Anglo-Saxon invaders?



8. Did the Anglo-Saxons really lay the ‘foundations of England’?



9. How did King Cnut consolidate control in England?



10. Does Emma of Normandy deserve more credit for the impact she had?

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11. What does the Gosforth Cross tell us about the impact of the Vikings?



11. Year 7 Migrants to Early Britain Test



14. What impact did migrant groups have on the development of early Britain?


Tang Dynasty More

1. Introduction Task: Was China under the Tang Dynasty really ‘the greatest civilisation on earth’?

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4. What can paintings from the Mogao caves tell us about life under the Tang Dynasty?

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5. Why was Xuanzang’s journey to India so important?

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6. What impact did trade along the Silk Roads have on the Tang Dynasty?

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7. What can the city of Chang’an tell us about life under Tang rule?

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8. Does Empress Wu deserve her reputation as a ruthless murderer?

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9. How useful is Du Fu’s poem for telling us about the catastrophes of the 750s?

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10. Were the Tang emperors to blame for the collapse of the dynasty in 907?

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13. Was The Tang Dynasty really the ‘greatest civilisation in earth’? Final Assessment

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Year 7 Vikings and Climate lesson package



1. Introduction: How does the climate help to explain the changing fortunes of the Vikings?

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2. The Vikings and the Climate – Knowledge Organiser

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3. Overview: How far can patterns of Viking migration be put down to the climate?



4. What does the Rök runestone tell us about the Little Ice Age?



5. What impact did the climate have on Viking culture?



6. How did climate and the environment help Viking trade develop?



7. How can different types of researchers work together to find out more about the Vikings?



8. Can we solve the mystery of the lost Viking settlement on Greenland?



10. Vikings and Climate Knowledge Test



11. Vikings and Climate final assessment



Norman Conquest for Diverse Curriculum: Lessons Package

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1. Introduction Task: ‘Arrogant, warlike and very pleased with themselves’: What were the Normans really like?

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2. Norman Conquest for diverse curriculum – Knowledge Organiser

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3. What do contemporary sources tell us about Edward the Confessor’s reign?



4. How predictable was the rise of William of Normandy?



5. Why do sources from the time disagree about the Battle of Hastings?



6. How did William conquer the rest of England?



7. What were the consequences of the Harrying of the North?


Benin More

How do we learn more about Africa and African history?



8. How significant was Gytha Thorkelsdottir?



9. Should we think of William as the first ‘chivalrous’ king of England?



10. What impact did the Normans have on ordinary people’s lives?



11. What can the Assembly at Salisbury tell us about William’s rule?



12. Is it true that ‘much remained the same’ after the Norman Conquest?



14. Norman Conquest Knowledge Test



15. Norman Conquest Final Assessment



Outsiders in Medieval England Lesson package

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1. What was it like to be an ‘alien’ or an outsider in medieval England?

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2. Medieval Outsiders Knowledge Organiser

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3. How did the experiences of Jewish people change during the medieval period?



4. What was it like to be disabled in the medieval period?

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5. Was Emma De Bestow treated fairly at her 1383 court case?

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6. Why was Julian of Norwich so significant?



7. How should we remember the Folville gang?



8. How welcome were migrants in medieval England?



9. Why was an 80-year-old woman executed in 1494?

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10. Outsiders in Medieval England Tarsia



Medieval African History Lesson Package

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1. Introduction task: Was there really a ‘golden age’ in Medieval Africa?

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2. Medieval Africa Knowledge Organiser

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3. What can we learn from the archaeological finds at Mapungubwe?



4. Salt, gold and shells: How did trade help Africa become better connected?



5. What can we learn from the Sundiata Epic about medieval Mali?



6. Why did Mansa Musa go on such a long journey in 1324?



7. Why was the work of the ‘bad-ass librarians of Timbuktu’ so important?



8. What was the most important reason for the decline of Mali?



9. How far did contact with the Portuguese benefit West Africa?



10. Medieval Africa Revision Tarsia

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11. Medieval Africa Substantive Knowledge Test



12. Medieval Africa Final Assessment



1. Introduction Task: Is Martin Sixsmith right about the ‘culture, beauty and embryonic democracy’ of Kievan Rus?

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3. How useful is the Primary Chronicle for finding out about the beginnings of Kievan Rus?

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4. How successful was the rule of Oleg the Wise?

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7. What was the most important consequence of the Mongol invasion?

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8. How accurately does Eisenstein’s film depict the events of 1242?

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9. What can the Moscow Kremlin tell us about the origins of Muscovy?

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10. How did Ivan the Terrible consolidate power in Muscovy?

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1. Introduction Task: Did the changes during the years 1500 to 1900 really cause people to ‘redefine themselves’?



2. Year 8 Diverse Curriculum Overview Knowledge Organiser



Year 8 Diverse Curriculum Overview Lessons Package

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3. Overview: How much change did Britain see between 1500 and 1900?



4. How much did people’s ideas about the world change between 1500 and 1900?



5. How much of an impact did the Renaissance have in England?



6. Who held power in early modern and industrial Britain?



7. How did voyages of exploration help map the world?



8. How can The Cheese and the Worms change the way we study history?



9. Year 8 Overview Substantive Knowledge Test



10. Year 8 Diverse Overview Written Assessment



1. Year 8: How did Revolutions change Early Modern England? Overview task

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2. Year 8: How did revolutions change Early Modern England, Knowledge Organiser

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African history C1000-1900 focusing on Benin: SOW download



Is it true that Benin enjoyed a ‘golden age’ during the 15th and 16th centuries?



Did the Obas of Benin really rule through superstition and fear?



Why did the Obas of Benin participate in the slave trade?

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How much can we learn from Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua’s slave narrative?

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Poppy More

Why did Britain and China go to war in 1840?


Indian Mutiny More

Is John D Clare right about the Indian Mutiny?


Did John D Clere get it right about the Indian Mutiny?



Could you bring Sir Harry Rawson to justice for the Benin Massacre?

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Should the British Museum return the Benin Bronzes?

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Zulu More

Was Letitia Bunting right to walk out of Zulu? 

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Hugh Trevor Roper More

How well connected was Early Modern Africa? Challenging Hugh Trevor Roper.

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How accurate is Professor Olupona’s interpretaton about the influence of Islam in Africa?



How and why was Africa ‘invented’ in the 19th century?


Storming of the Bastille More

French Revolution – 10 enquiry package


The Rights of Man More

What and when was the French Revolution? 

crime prevention early modern period More

What does Mary Jones’ story reveal about Early Modern crime prevention?

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Who were the winners and losers in France in the 1770s?

French official More

Why couldn’t France get out of debt in the 1780s?

Louis XVI More

How far did Louis XVI live up to his portrait?

French Revolution More

Causes of The French Revolution: Pulling it all together

French Revolution More

When was it inevitable that Louis XVI would be executed?

David's Marat More

What did the artist David want us to think Jean Paul Marat was like?

David's Marat More

How far was David’s Marat ‘a beautiful awful lie’?

Robespierre More

Does Robespierre deserve the title ‘The Butcher of the Revolution’?

French bread More

Why bother learning about the French Revolution?

Which 'new' crimes were the authorities most worried about in the Industrial Period? More

Which ‘new’ crimes worried the authorities in the Industrial Period?


The Fighting Temeraire More

How much did life in Britain change during the years 1750-1900?

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How much can the Olympic opening ceremony tell us about the Industrial Revolution?

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Religion and Beliefs in the Industrial Period



Is Trevor Ling right about nineteenth-century religion? An overview



What impact did the Enlightenment have on ideas and beliefs in Britain?



Industrial Beliefs Knowledge Organiser

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‘Disbelief crept over me’: Did Darwin cause everyone to lose faith after 1859?



How could Charles Kingsley’s religious ideas be represented in the ‘Kingsley 200’ festival?



Industrial Beliefs Substantive Knowledge Test



To what extent was political change caused by riots and rebels in the 19th century?

Bill Sykes More

Why was Bill Sykes transported?

Transportation More

Was transportation to Australia a success?

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John Howard reformer More

Which reformer most deserves to go on the back of a £5 note?

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Industrial Power SOW download

British Empire More

British Empire 1700-1900 – Six lesson saver package



What can we learn from Sarah Baartman about attitudes towards empire in the 19th century?

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Gladstone statue More

Blood on Prime Minister William Gladstone’s Statue

Hogarth execution More

Why was the Bloody Code abolished in the 1820s – 1830s?

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Teacup More

What can tea show about Britain from 1700?

Tea More

The role of Tea in Britain from 1700 – 6 Lesson Package


When in the 19th century was it the best time for John Walker to go to prison? More

When in the 19th century was it the best time for John Walker to go to prison?

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Law enforcement More

Did anyone really bother to enforce the law properly 1700-1900?

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Peterloo More

How should we remember the Peterloo Massacre?



Was there a shift in power during the Industrial Period? Knowledge Organiser


Why were Daniel Chater and William Galley beaten, stoned and murdered in 1748?

Swing Riots More

How much do you agree with the Professor about the causes of the Swing Riots?


Captain Swing More

Why did Robert and Joseph Mason take part in the Swing Riots?


Teacosy More

Design a tea cosy dedicated to our national drink


Why did Sussex gamekeeper Henry Ayling report so much debt in 1830?


Is David Taylor right: Was 19th century local policing characterised by ‘limited progress’?


How typical was Elizabeth Lavender’s execution in 1799?



Ordinary Lives in the Industrial Period SOW overview



Was Harriet Taylor Mill the most significant feminist campaigner of the 19th century?

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Substantive Knowledge Test for the Industrial Period



Is the BBC History magazine right about the ‘Happy Victorians’? An Overview.


Richard Arkwright More

Should Richard Arkwright be in the National Portrait Gallery?



What was it like to be a worker during the Industrial Revolution?



Is E.P. Thompson right: was Victorian child labour ‘one of the most shameful events in our history’?



Industrial Ordinary Lives Knowledge Organiser

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What can the music hall really tell us about women in Victorian society?

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Industrial Ordinary Lives Substantive knowledge Test


Robert Blincoe More

Who benefitted most from the Industrial Revolution?

Zong More

Could you prosecute the captain of the Slave Ship Zong? 

Ironbridge More

Where to site a museum to the Industrial Revolution

Miners More

How successful in improving conditions was the 1842 Mines Act?

Manchester More

Should Peter Sanderson move to Manchester in the 1850s?

Potato Famine More

Was Britain to blame for the Irish Potato Famine?

Polly Nichols More

What does the story of Polly Nichols reveal about Whitechapel in the 1880s?

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Living Conditions in Whitechapel More

How did conditions in the East End help the Ripper to commit murder?


Policing 1880s More

Why was Whitechapel so difficult to police?

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Whitechapel 1880s More

Why did the Whitechapel police fear a race riot?

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Was Thomas Brynes correct when he described the London Police as stupid?

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H Division More

Commander of H Division: Dream job or nightmare?

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Charles Warren More

Who did the best job as Head of the Met?


AQA GCSE history More

How to get the most out of the AQA 9-1 GCSE Germany Period Study

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Reichstag More

1880-2004: How good was the view from the Reichstag?

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Soviet flag over Berlin More

What is the story of Germany between 1890–1945?

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Kaiser Wilhelm II and mother More

How much was Kaiser Wilhelm II’s ability to rule shaped by his early life?

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Kaiser Wilhelm More

What problems did Kaiser Wilhelm II face 1890-1914?

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Was there anything new about 20th century crime? More

Was there anything new about 20th century crimes?

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DNA Alec Jefferies More

How much did the police-force change after 1900?

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20th century More

Did the 20th century see the biggest change in the punishment of offenders?

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Emily Davison More

Was Emily Davison a Martyr for the Suffragette cause?


Votes for Women More

How and why did the Suffragettes become more extreme?


hand cuffs More

When was the safest time in history to steal?

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How much can a German satirical map tell us about the causes of WW1?

Franz Ferdinand More

Preparing a news bulletin about the start of World War One


How can we use Charlie Byrne’s diary to challenge misconceptions about the Western Front?

Clara Haber More

Why did Clara Haber kill herself in May 1915?


WW1 Trench More

How can we check if photographs from World War One are faked?


Why was Margaretha MacLeod executed in 1917?


Poppies More

Why was World War One described as ‘Great’?

Sarah Barnes' locket More

Sarah Barnes’ World War One Memorial Campaign



Could you create a more fitting memorial for those who died in the global war?

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What did the artists of the Panthéon de la Guerre want to tell us about the First World War?

Lenin More

Should your history department spend money on Lenin artefacts?


Lenin More

What really happened in Petrograd in October 1917?

Statue of Liberty More

The USA in the 1920s – 11 enquiry saver package


Ford More

Why was there an economic boom in the 1920s?

US Economic Boom poster More

Who shared in the US economic boom of the 1920s?

Henry Ford More

How should we remember carmaker Henry Ford?

Rudolph Valentino More

Hollywood scandals: Can you predict the contents of the Hays Code? 

The Great Gatsby More

Is Daisy Buchanan representative of American women in the 1920s? 

Sacco and Vinxetti More

Were Italian anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti innocent? 

Prohibition event in Canada More

Why did Prohibition fail in America in the 1920s?


Rosewood More

Why did the village of Rosewood disappear? 

The Monkey Trial More

What was America’s Monkey Trial all about?

Al Capone More

Does Al Capone embody the American Dream?

USA Depression cartoon More

What can a cartoon tell us about the causes of the Great Depression?

Great Depression - queue More

The Cinderella Man: a metaphor for 1920s America?

1920s Skyscraper building More

What should go on the cover of a book about USA 1919-41?

1930s family picture More

What was life like in Britain during the 1930s?


Why did James Maley go to Spain?

The Battle of Cable Street More

Was the Battle of Cable Street a turning point in the fight against British Fascism?


How should we remember Winston Churchill?


German soldiers More

Germany 1918-1945 – 27 enquiry lesson package

Swastika flag More

Germany 1918-33 – 14 Enquiry Scheme of Work

Nazi medals More

Germany 1933-45 package – 13 Enquiry Lesson Package

Adolf Hitler More

The Rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany: An overview  

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Wiemar cartoon More

What was Germany like in 1918? Raemaeker cartoon audio guide

Wiemar cartoon More

What was Germany like in 1918? Produce an Audio Guide for a cartoon

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Weimar constitution More

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar constitution?

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Stab in the back More

Was Germany stabbed in the back?

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Reichstag Versailles protest More

Why were the Germans so angry about the Treaty of Versailles?

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Hyperinflation More

Do you agree with a memoir from 1923?

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Stab in the back More

A gallery caption for a German Nationalist Party Leaflet.

Treaty of Versailles More

Rate a historian’s description of the Treaty of Versailles?

treat of Versailles cartoon More

What to include in a documentary on the Treaty of Versailles.

Hyperinflation More

Do you agree with the memoir of a young German living in 1923?

Wiemar republic More

Who was the biggest threat to the Weimar Republic 1919-23?

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Spartacus rising More

Putsches or money: which threatened early Weimar the most? AQA

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Munich Putsch More

Was the Munich Putsch of 1923 a Success or Failure?

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Nazi logo More

Why did people join the Nazi Party?

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Wiemar cartoon More

How would you design a Weimar election poster from 1924?

Stresemann More

Was Stresemann really the saviour of Weimar?

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Munich Putsch More

Can you always trust websites to get it right about the Munich Putsch?

Nazi poster More

How far did the Nazis change tactics after 1924?


Why didn’t many people vote Nazi 1924-29?

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Hitler becomes Chancellor More

Why did Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany in 1933?

Hitler Chancellor More

Why did Hitler become Chancellor mystery

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Hitler More

How did Hitler manage to become a dictator?

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Nazi poster More

Was Nazi Germany really a paradise like an ex-Nazi described it?

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Heartfield iron-ore not butter More

How can historians disagree about the Nazi ‘economic miracle’ even when they look at the same sources?

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Beer More

Why did fewer people criticise the Nazis in pubs and bars after 1933?

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Gestapo More

How do historians disagree about the Gestapo?

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Gestapo More

Which historian is correct about the Gestapo?

Nazi propaganda poster More

What can an internet forum tell us what Nazis wanted from women?

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Metelmann More

Was Henry Metelmann a typical young Nazi?

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swastika poster More

How prescient were the Social Democrats about ‘The Worker in the Swastika state’?

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Nazi film More

Triumph of the Will: Can you beat the Online Expert?

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Night of the Broken Glass More

What really happened on 8-9 November 1938?

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Birkenau More

Was the Holocaust during World War Two inevitable?

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German opposition More

The opposition cocktail party – why did so few people oppose the Nazis?

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nazi youth poster More

How effective were Nazi policies towards the young?

Nazi Soviet pact More

Can you solve the mystery of the Nazi-Soviet Pact?


How far did the Nazis achieve their aims?


Concentration Camp More

What can a song tell us about life in a Nazi Labour Camp?

Cold War More

Guide to teaching AQA conflict and tension between East and West 1945-1972

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Cold War More

Guide to teaching Edexcel Period Study: Super Power Relations and the Cold War 1941-91

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Yalta conference More

Yalta ‘Big Three’ World War Two Conference Role Play

World More

What and where was the Cold War?

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Stalin wasn't stallin More

Stalin wasn’t stallin’: How much can a song reveal about who really won WW2?

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enola-gay More

Was a 1980 hit song right about the B-29 bomber ‘Enola Gay’?

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Cold War tension More

Why couldn’t the USA and USSR be friends?

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Grand Alliance More

Why did the Grand Alliance begin to fail in 1945?

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Stalin More

Who did most to develop the Cold War 1945-47?

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Yalta More

Who should win cartoon of the year for 1945?

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Berlin Blockade More

How much can we trust internet sites to tell the truth about The Berlin Blockade?

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Mao More

Why were the two biggest communist countries not best friends forever?

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The Blob More

What do 1950s sci-fi movies reveal about American fears and attitudes to the Cold War?

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Johnson Vietnam More

Why did America really get involved in Vietnam?

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Dr Stranglove More

Who can tell us most about the nuclear arms race, Robert McNamara or Dr Strangelove?

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Yuri More

Who was winning the Space Race by 1968?

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Hungarian uprising More

What caused the Hungarian Uprising in 1956?

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Hungarian uprising More

What were the consequences of the Hungarian Uprising?

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Berlin Wall More

Was the Berlin Wall really built to just annoy the West?

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Berlin Wall More

How should we tell the story of the Berlin Wall?

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What does Steven Spielberg need to do to improve his history grade for ‘Bridge of Spies’?

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Bay of Pigs More

What went wrong at the Bay of Pigs?

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Cuban Missile More

What really prevented war during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

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Nuclear bomb More

How close did the Cold War come to Nuclear War? 

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Prague Spring More

Was the Prague Spring another Hungary?

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Prague Spring More

What were the consequences of the Prague Spring?

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Second Cold War More

Who was to blame for the Second Cold War?

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Berlin Wall More

Why were the people of Berlin able to dismantle the wall?

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Gorbachev More

Did Gorbachev kill the Soviet Union?

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Afghan invasion More

Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan in 1979?

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Afghanistan More

What were the consequences of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

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Vidal Sassoon More

Vidal Sassoon mystery: What was Vidal up to in the 40s and 50s?


How much had really changed for women by the end of the 1960s?


My Lai More

Why did American soldiers shoot at My Lai?


The Falklands Syndrome: What were the consequences of the Falklands War?

Jamaica stamp More

Black Britain: Was Lord Kitchener Right? Was London the ‘Place to be’?


The Scarman report More

How much difference did Scarman make to the lives of Black Britons?

Radio Studio More

A Radio Discussion about the history of Black Britain