History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

9. How did King Cnut consolidate control in England?

This enquiry focuses on one of the most infamous Viking figures in history: King Cnut.

Cnut was the Scandinavian king who managed to consolidate his position as the ruler of the ‘North Sea Empire’ through a combination of military success and clever political manoeuvring.

In the lesson, students are challenged to put themselves ‘in the shoes’ of King Cnut.

They will decide  how they would have responded to various dilemmas that faced Cnut in his quest to establish ultimate authority.

Students compete for points, as they determine how closely their own decision-making mirrors that of King Cnut himself – and how successful they might have been if they had been in Cnut’s position!

Finally, students reflect on Cnut’s successes, deciding which methods/tactics proved the most effective for the man himself.

Download lesson

  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Worksheet 1: PDF

Price: £12.99


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