Women's history

How should we commemorate Licoricia of Winchester?
Women's history, Key Stage 3: The Middle Ages, Introductory Lessons

What can a print from 1640 tell us about life in the early modern period?
Early Modern Ordinary Lives, Women's history, Key Stage 3: Early Modern

Why was Temperance Lloyd executed in 1682?
Early Modern Ordinary Lives, Women's history, Key Stage 3: Early Modern

Why were so many Scottish women accused of witchcraft in the 17th century?
Early Modern Ordinary Lives, Women's history, Key Stage 3: Early Modern

Migration 7: How welcome were ‘denizens’ and ‘aliens’ in the later medieval period?
Medieval, Women's history, Migrants in Britain, Edexcel, GCSE 2016

Migration 22: ‘A captive girl’… How typical were the experiences of Sarah Forbes Bonetta?
Industrial, Migrants in Britain, Women's history, Edexcel, GCSE 2016

4. How did Boudicca resist the Roman invaders?
2. Year 7: Migrants in Early Britain, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Women's history

5. What can we learn from Ivory Bangle Lady about Roman migration to Britain?
Women's history, 2. Year 7: Migrants in Early Britain, Year 7 Diverse KS3

10. Does Emma of Normandy deserve more credit for the impact she had?
2. Year 7: Migrants in Early Britain, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Women's history

8. Does Empress Wu deserve her reputation as a ruthless murderer?
3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Women's history, Wider World Histories, Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty

8. How significant was Gytha Thorkelsdottir?

5. Was Emma De Bestow treated fairly at her 1383 court case?
6. Outsiders in Medieval England, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Women's history

9. Why was an 80-year-old woman executed in 1494?
6. Outsiders in Medieval England, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Women's history

6. Why do both Russia and Ukraine want to claim Anne of Kiev as their own?
Wider World Histories, Key Stage 3: Kievan Rus, 8. Year 7: Kievan Rus, Free Resources, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Women's history, Introductory Lessons

6. How did Elizabeth Alkin change the course of the English Civil War?
2. Year 8: Revolutionary England, Year 8 Diverse KS3, Women's history

What can we learn from Sarah Baartman about attitudes towards empire in the 19th century?
Women's history, Industrial Empire, Key Stage 3: Industrial overview, Wider World Histories, Introductory Lessons

How typical was Elizabeth Lavender’s execution in 1799?

Was Harriet Taylor Mill the most significant feminist campaigner of the 19th century?

What can the music hall really tell us about women in Victorian society?
Industrial Ordinary Lives, Women's history, Key Stage 3: Industrial

Was Emily Davison a Martyr for the Suffragette cause?

How and why did the Suffragettes become more extreme?

Why did Clara Haber kill herself in May 1915?

Why was Margaretha MacLeod executed in 1917?

How much had really changed for women by the end of the 1960s?