History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Germany 1890-1945

AQA GCSE history More

How to get the most out of the AQA 9-1 GCSE Germany Period Study

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Reichstag More

1880-2004: How good was the view from the Reichstag?

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Soviet flag over Berlin More

What is the story of Germany between 1890–1945?

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Kaiser Wilhelm II and mother More

How much was Kaiser Wilhelm II’s ability to rule shaped by his early life?

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Kaiser Wilhelm More

What problems did Kaiser Wilhelm II face 1890-1914?

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Wiemar cartoon More

What was Germany like in 1918? Produce an Audio Guide for a cartoon

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Stab in the back More

Was Germany stabbed in the back?

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Reichstag Versailles protest More

Why were the Germans so angry about the Treaty of Versailles?

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Hyperinflation More

Do you agree with a memoir from 1923?

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Wiemar republic More

Who was the biggest threat to the Weimar Republic 1919-23?

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Spartacus rising More

Putsches or money: which threatened early Weimar the most? AQA

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Munich Putsch More

Was the Munich Putsch of 1923 a Success or Failure?

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Stresemann More

Was Stresemann really the saviour of Weimar?

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Hitler Chancellor More

Why did Hitler become Chancellor mystery

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Hitler More

How did Hitler manage to become a dictator?

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Nazi poster More

Was Nazi Germany really a paradise like an ex-Nazi described it?

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Heartfield iron-ore not butter More

How can historians disagree about the Nazi ‘economic miracle’ even when they look at the same sources?

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Beer More

Why did fewer people criticise the Nazis in pubs and bars after 1933?

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Gestapo More

How do historians disagree about the Gestapo?

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Nazi propaganda poster More

What can an internet forum tell us what Nazis wanted from women?

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Metelmann More

Was Henry Metelmann a typical young Nazi?

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Nazi film More

Triumph of the Will: Can you beat the Online Expert?

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Night of the Broken Glass More

What really happened on 8-9 November 1938?

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Birkenau More

Was the Holocaust during World War Two inevitable?

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German opposition More

The opposition cocktail party – why did so few people oppose the Nazis?

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