History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Conflict 1945-72

Berlin Wall More

Conflict and Tension 1945-72 – Scheme of Work

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Cold War tension More

Conflict and Tension between East and West 1945-72 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

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Cold War More

Guide to teaching AQA conflict and tension between East and West 1945-1972

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World More

What and where was the Cold War?

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Stalin wasn't stallin More

Stalin wasn’t stallin’: How much can a song reveal about who really won WW2?

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enola-gay More

Was a 1980 hit song right about the B-29 bomber ‘Enola Gay’?

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Cold War tension More

Why couldn’t the USA and USSR be friends?

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Stalin More

Who did most to develop the Cold War 1945-47?

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Yalta More

Who should win cartoon of the year for 1945?

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Berlin Blockade More

How much can we trust internet sites to tell the truth about The Berlin Blockade?

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Mao More

Why were the two biggest communist countries not best friends forever?

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The Blob More

What do 1950s sci-fi movies reveal about American fears and attitudes to the Cold War?

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Johnson Vietnam More

Why did America really get involved in Vietnam?

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Dr Stranglove More

Who can tell us most about the nuclear arms race, Robert McNamara or Dr Strangelove?

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Yuri More

Who was winning the Space Race by 1968?

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Hungarian uprising More

What caused the Hungarian Uprising in 1956?

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Hungarian uprising More

What were the consequences of the Hungarian Uprising?

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Berlin Wall More

Was the Berlin Wall really built to just annoy the West?

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Berlin Wall More

How should we tell the story of the Berlin Wall?

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What does Steven Spielberg need to do to improve his history grade for ‘Bridge of Spies’?

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Bay of Pigs More

What went wrong at the Bay of Pigs?

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Cuban Missile More

What really prevented war during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

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Nuclear bomb More

How close did the Cold War come to Nuclear War? 

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Prague Spring More

Was the Prague Spring another Hungary?

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Prague Spring More

What were the consequences of the Prague Spring?

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