History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Did Gorbachev kill the Soviet Union?

GorbachevMikhail Gorbachev has been viewed in the west as a heroic and bold reformer. But, in Russia many still view Gorbachev with contempt.

Was it Gorbachev’s reforms that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Was the Soviet Union and its economy so out dilapidated that the collapse of the Soviet Union was something that, despite Gorbachev’s reforms, was inevitable?

In this enquiry your students will work gain the historical background they need about Glasnost and Perestroika. They will then look at decide whether or not it was Gorbachev who killed the Soviet Union.


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  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Worksheet 1 – 2: PDF

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