History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Why have old Spanish Armada cannons been discovered on Irish beaches?

Grand_Turk(28)This enquiry asks students to use a range of evidence to answer the question: Why have old Spanish cannons been discovered recently on Irish beaches? This is a Spanish Armada mystery!

Your students will use a range of evidence to go from initial guess work to formulating, testing and refining their hypotheses. Can they solve the mystery? Will the new clues change their minds? There is very little writing here but as always, lots of thinking.

This enquiry is really is of course a mystery about the Spanish Armada. It covers the reasons for Spanish attack on Britain and why the Armada failed all in one

We love a mystery and this one works a treat!

The end product is for the students to write a caption for a photograph showing one of the canons being raised from the sea bed.

We hope you enjoy teaching this.

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  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Resource 1: PDF

Price: £12.99

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