History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

6. How did climate and the environment help Viking trade develop?

We know it might seem out dated,  but here at HRC we have a view that learning can be fun.

This lesson takes the engaging format of a ‘Medieval Trade Game’.

Players are challenged to beat their rivals by collecting gold coins, and avoiding the loss of ‘lives’.

Students play the game in groups of four, taking on the role of adventurous Vikings in search of lucrative trading opportunities overseas.  

They experience the positive and negative impacts of the climate and environment, sometimes finding their journeys to be spoilt by inaccessible river routes.

 At other times they find themselves able to access new, exotic lands by virtue of the warmer temperatures and ice-free landscapes.

Having determined the ‘winners’, students reflect on the contextual knowledge they have gained through the game.

Then they articulate the impact that the climate and environment had on Vikings who remained in Scandinavia, as well as those who ventured a long way from home.  

Download lesson

  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Worksheet 1 & 2: PDF

Price: £12.99


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