This lesson is the last in the unit on the Norman Conquest.
It focuses on the concept of change, giving students the chance to encounter and then respond to an historian’s interpretation about the extent to which the Norman Conquest changed life in England.
Students explore change/continuity in various aspects of life in England: culture, religion, rules and laws, and buildings.
They consider the impact of these changes on the lives of different people – landowners, women, earls and priests – before making judgements about the extent of change using a series of ‘change-o-meters’.
Finally, they write letters to the historian, outlining how far the evidence supports his interpretation. The lesson helps to develop students’ understanding of the different ways in which we can judge the extent of change (impact on different areas of life; and impact on different types of people).
It also equips them with a good deal of knowledge about the impression made by William and the Normans on the country that they invaded and conquered.
Download lesson
- Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
- Lesson write-up: PDF
- Worksheet 1 & 2: PDF
Price: £12.99
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