History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Why did Robert and Joseph Mason take part in the Swing Riots?

Captain SwingHere you use the power of the personal story to help your students find out why two brothers led the Swing Riots in the small village of Bullington.

You will use a mystery approach activity to get your students thinking hard. They will sort and classify information before making sense of it.

When they have worked out why these two God fearing brothers were prepared to act in support their neighbours, the enquiry goes on to use court record data to check whether the two brothers were typical rioters. Your students involve themselves in high order data analysis work to answer this and many other interesting questions.

We recommend that you teach this enquiry after teaching them about the causes of the Swing Riots.

Download lesson

  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Resource 1-2: PDF
  • Worksheet 1: PDF

Price: £12.99

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