History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

What impact did the Enlightenment have on ideas and beliefs in Britain?

This enquiry takes a satirical cartoon from the 18th century as its starting point.

In the cartoon, ‘religion’ is seen as being ‘stamped out’ by the Enlightenment ideals of key philosopher Thomas Paine.

Having worked out the message of this source, students examine a range of evidence to judge the extent to which its message is accurate. They answer the question: did the Enlightenment really spell the end for religious faith?

Students finish by writing a caption for the cartoon, outlining its message about the Enlightenment and religion.

They will also explain the extent to which it provides an accurate assessment of the impact of the Enlightenment.

Download lesson

  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Resource 1: PDF
  • Worksheet 1: PDF

Price: £12.99

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