History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Dirty, boring and treacherous: Was medieval village life really that bad? An overview

This lesson offers your class an overview of village life. It also develops students’ understanding of historical interpretations.

You start by confronting them with a negative internet interpretation about medieval life.

Next, you provide them with evidence about medieval life. They then use this to support and/or challenge the original interpretation.

Your students will end by writing a response to the author of the interpretation. They will outline how accurate they think it is.

Note: You can use this interpretations lesson or, the evidence-based lesson which asks, what were Medieval Peasants Really like as your overview for this section.

This enquiry fits in to the Medieval Ordinary Lives unit and helps your students gain this substantive knowledge. You can test this knowledge here.

Download lesson

  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up:PDF
  • Resource 1: PDF
  • Resource 2: PDF
  • Worksheet 2: PDF

Price: £12.99

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