History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Teaching Issues

A new history teachers conference for the South

I am really excited to announce the first Grassroots History Conference on Saturday 18/1/20 at the University of Sussex.

Why the need for a conference?

I have worked in the South of England with loads and loads of history teachers over the years. There is some brilliant practice here. However, when it comes to quality history teacher CPD there appears to be gap. I don’t see many of the southern history teachers who I work with venturing to the SHP conference or the HA conference.

So, I started chatting to a number of people about whether they thought a conference in the south was a good idea. Everyone I spoke thought it was. Neil Bates, Marc Scruby and Aaron Wilkes were particularly encouraging!

Whats the focus of the conference?

Having worked with different groups of teachers in 2018-19 on a number different projects, I noticed that history teachers are interested in the theory of history teaching. However, they really come alive when they see what this looks like in practice.

The focus of the conference therefore is to provide grassroots history teachers with practical curriculum and pedagogical advice. It is our aim to promote engaging, accessible and challenging history of all.

Importantly the Grassroots history Conference aims to model theory and scholarship in practice. We want to provide teachers with practical frameworks, models and ideas that they can away, apply and critique in their own classrooms.

Who is speaking at the Grassroots history Conference?

It is so exciting that some of the people I most respect in history teaching have agreed to come share their wisdom:

Mike Maddison – Ex History Lead for Ofsted and now consultant. Mike will share his knowledge about what Ofsted’s new focus on ‘curriculum’ means for the history department.

Aaron Wilkes – best selling textbook author, teacher and consultant. Aaron will provide practical history teaching tips for the time strapped history teacher.

Dale Banham and Ian Luff – Authors and history teaching gurus. Dale and Ian offer a masterclass in raising attainment and making lessons fun (yes fun!).

Paige Richardson – history teacher and regular contributor at the HA conference. Paige share ideas on making GCSE history accessible to lower prior attainers. Expect practical ideas and singing!

Marc Scruby – local Head of History and Associate History tutor. Marc will discuss how he and his team helped his students achieve outstanding History GCSE results in 2019.

Neil Bates and Christina Brown – lead teacher and head of history at Harrow Way School. Neill and Christina discuss how they are developing their curriculum in the light of OFsted’s new focus.

And Richard McFahn (me) – I will share the research I have conducted in KS3 curriculum planning. This made me realise that history teachers may need to do more to show the big picture of the course, unit or lesson series. Therefore I will share some big picture lesson ideas with you.

Where, when and costs

The Conference will take place on Saturday 18/1/20 at the University of Sussex between 9am and 4pm.

We have kept costs to a minimum. The day will cost £45. This covers room hire, lunch and tea and coffee. You just fill out the form (on the link below) and your school will be invoiced

How to book

Book on via the university of Sussex website by filling out the short form:

The Booking Form.

If you need more information then just send me an email!

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About the author
Richard McFahn
Founder of History Resource Cupboard, Richard has worked for 20 years as a history teacher, subject and senior leader, Advanced Skills Teacher, local authority adviser and history ITE tutor.

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