We have recently completed writing a brilliant new migration unit for Edexcel GCSE.
We feel that this unit is a really powerful way to bring in more diversity into your Key Stage 4 curriculum. After all we are holden to exam specs when it comes to curriculum planning at KS4. Its great news that Edexcel now offer this unit on migration.
The HRC migration unit
This new HRC migration unit consists of 40 engaging GCSE lessons. They have been designed to help you to teach this exciting new topic with confidence through this fully-resourced scheme of work.
You can teach the lessons off the peg or adapt them to your individual classes needs.

Informed by the latest historical and pedagogical research, all 40 lessons are enquiry-led. They provide opportunities for re-capping and interleaving prior content. Your students will acquire new information and skills in a number of interesting ways; and applying this new knowledge to various end products and exam-style questions.
As I’m sure you know, the thematic study focuses on the second-order concept of change and continuity. However, the lessons in this scheme of work help to develop students’ understanding of other important historical skills and concepts, including significance, causation, consequence, and similarity and difference.
All enquiries are designed to be accessible and motivating. And, support is provided for students through carefully-structured activities and opportunities for self and peer assessment.
So help your students to understand the varied and significant ways in which migrants and migration have shaped the British Isles through this important and engaging topic. AND, engage them by looking through the lease of social and cultural history.
Sample Migration Lesson
You can download a sample lesson here. Just make sure you are signed in as a basic member.
This lesson focuses on a case study of Licoricia of Winchester.

The story of Licoricia is a great addition to the new Migrants in Britain topic. Licoricia was a Jewish moneylender, who exceeded all expectations to become a significant figure in the 13th century. This is interesting as at the time Jewish people were increasingly sidelined. In fact Jews were expelled in 1290.
Her story adds flavour and depth to students’ understanding of the Jewish experience in the medieval period, as well as providing an example of a woman who defied the expectations of her time.
However, her story wasn’t one of total triumph. She was murdered in 1277, and a lot of her accumulated wealth was stolen. Nevertheless her legacy really lived on in the lives and opportunities she had set up for her children.