History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

World War Two

Bloody Marvellous: Brilliant new World War Two Website

Wow! I have just returned from the launch of a fantastic website which will help you update and enliven your lessons on World War Two. Funded by the National Lottery, the brilliant local studies team at Worthing Library led by the visionary Martin Hayes have got together the impossible. A[…]

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Why was Petworth Boys School bombed in 1942?

Around 32 people (28 boys) were killed when a Junkers 88 dropped bombs on Petworth Boys School on 29 September 1942. Why was Petworth Boys School bombed in 1942? Did the Nazis target a supposed top-secret meeting at Petworth House, was it a planned attack to undermine civilian morale or was it[…]

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How does Leslie Speller’s war compare with the national view?

This thoughtful and engaging enquiry looks at the events of World War II from two different perspectives; the national and personal. Taking archive material from the life of Leslie Speller, a Littlehampton RAF Officer, the students compare Leslie’s war with the national picture. Are the two of them the same? This[…]

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History Revision Podcasts

In the History classroom, you, as the expert, are the most valuable resource. After all, you have a wealth of historical knowledge and a clear insight into what the GCSE examiners are looking for. However, you can only do so much to prepare your students for the final examination. You[…]

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