History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Teaching Issues

World War Two case study: How accurate was ‘The Great Escape’?

Why not use this fantastic enquiry comparing a real life survivor from Stalag Luft IIII, to the Hollywoood film, ‘The Great Escape’? At the beginning of the film the makers claim  that what you are about to see is all but true. But was it really?This fully resourced scheme could be your key to personalising your World War Two lessons.

I am so pleased that the wonderful archive created by the Local Studies team at Worthing library has gone live. I was fortunate enough to work with them on some great case studies using source material which has just come to light.

Littlehampton-born RAF Flying Officer Leslie Speller spent 3 years at Stalag Luft III, the Prisoner of War camp made famous by the 1963 film ‘The Great Escape’. He helped dig the tunnel ‘Harry’ used in the mass escape. Students are encouraged to use the historical evidence provided by Leslie’s documents and other accounts of life in the camp with that of the Hollywood film. How accurate is the film?

Simply click here to go the excellent website page : Wartime West Sussex 1939-45

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