History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Teaching Issues

Going outdoors: A six-step guide to planning history field trips

Warwick Castle

Going outdoors on field trips have long been a staple of the history curriculum. From Warwick Castle of the Battlefields of Flanders, history teachers have always sought to enrich their curriculum by getting their students hands-on in the places where history happened.

The new 9-1 GCSE courses insist that students study a historical location. Even though there is no compulsion to actually go visit a site, we all know that history field trips are going to be a key component of our teaching. They will enhance student engagement and understanding.

What follows are 6 points to guide anyone who is planning on venturing outdoors with their students.

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About the author
Neil Bates
Neil Bates has spent 20 years as a history teacher, author and Advanced Skills Teacher in Hampshire and has been a long-standing member of the county's History Steering Group.

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