It was great to see Cottenham Village College history department highlighted in the TES on Friday (21st September 2012). This report was based on a good practice visit made by ofsted. To view the report click here.The depts message was simple and one which we totally agree with. Teach history well, make it a vibrant, accessible and challenging subject.
The central thrust of their success is to teach history as an enquiry based subject and to get kids to engage with the work of real historians. Geraint Brown, an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) in history at the school said, ‘examining the views of historians and entering a historical debate with the students helps to motivate them and to develop their thinking. How can you teach history effectively without mentioning what historians have had to say?’
We totally agree with Geraint. Historyresourcecupboard has always placed the work of historians at the heart of our work. You can read a short article about this here. For an idea on how to get your kids to assess an historians recent account of the Treaty of Versailles click here.
Happy History Teaching!