History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Teaching Issues

Will it all end in lists?

Don’t know if you heard but at  Cambridge academic, Professor David Abulafia yesterday produced a list of key events that all students who study history in the future should know. The list was produced  for the Think Tank Politeia.

The list below includes lots of what you would expect to teach: The Norman Conquest, The murder of Becket, Magna Carta, The Peasants Revolt, the execution of Charles I, Chartism, The Treaty of Versailles to name but a few.

It also includes some less well covered topics: Anglo Saxon Conquest (500AD) and the Statute of Westminister (1931) to name but two.

The list  leans heavily on political and military history and little else.  Oh dear, is this what the new curriculum is going to look like? A list or two of important events? Will they produce a list of the key concepts and processes or will these be forgotten along side the expert panels recommendations for the curriculum?



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