History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools


Creating curiosity: Ten stimulating starts to enquiries

If we are to create outstanding learning and learners, we need to engage our pupils to become curious in the classroom.  One way to help engage learners and create curiosity is ensure that all enquiries that start in an intriguing and stimulating way. This isn’t a new and revelationary idea. Good teachers[…]

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GCSE exam technique placemats

One thing we know works in teaching students to do well in GCSE history exams, is preparing them to write well. Sounds so simple yet we often automatically think our students have this skill because they have arrived in year 10. Unfortunately, this assumption is often wrong!! So how do[…]

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Curriculum planning and the issue of marking

Neil Bates and I have been working together from afar for many years. We have taught in different schools but have always met up to swap resources.  However, we were lucky enough to have been working together in the same school.  Poor Neil had me as his Head of Hums! We have[…]

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What kind of history do you want?

I have just been lucky enough to have a look at a copy of Diana Laffin’s latest A level History book British Society 1945.  Its part of the Enquiring History series for A level.Quickly thumbing through it I am struck by the clever teaching techniques and the interesting content. It[…]

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Using Tea to teach History


Nearly every history teacher that I have worked with has said that they find teaching about the period 1750 -1900 really quite difficult. In fact when planning a Hampshire network session a few years ago one very successful head of department (now Deputy Head in Dorset) boldly said that we[…]

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History Resource Cupboard


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