History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Teaching Issues

1900 -1930s Tarsia

At time of writing I am about to observed by my Head with a potentially challenging year 9 class. The lesson I am going to teach them is the second half of the fab lesson on the Hitler Youth from our Germany package.

However, one of my aims of the year is to try and make the learning from the entire course ‘stick’. I have long been fearful that we teach enquiry after enquiry with year 9, but never ask them to recall any of the information we have learnt.

So it has been all change this year. I have regularly been starting lessons getting the kids to tell me the order of things we have studied so far. I have asked them to place the different events we have looked at on a timeline. It is working, they are remembering more and more! The tarsia task below is designed as an engaging way to get them into the learning straight away.

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