History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

What did the artist David want people to think Jean-Paul Marat was like?

Jacques-Louis_David_-_La_Mort_de_Marat 1This highly engaging lesson uses the story of the murder of Marat to get students to look unlock the messages in David’s famous painting of the murder scene. What did David want us to think about Marat? This highly accessible lesson leads to some really clever thinking by all.

This is best taught as one of two lessons investigating whether David was right about Marat, or was his painting ‘an awful, beautiful lie’? as some now think?

It works just as well as a stand-alone lesson. We have never taught this lesson and not been pleased with the engagement and progress!


Download includes:

    • Lesson presentation – PowerPoint
    • Lesson write up – PDF
    • Resource 1 : Story of the murder -PDF
    • Worksheet 1 : portrait inference match – PDF
    • Worksheet 2: Modelled paragraph – PDF

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