History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Key Stage 3: The French Revolution

french_revolutionFrench Revolution 10 enquiry package. We simply love teaching the French Revolution! Take the stress out of  planning  by downloading our course. It has been refined over years and years of teaching it.   More…

frFrench Revolution causation package.  Why not take the work out of this topic by downloading our French Revolution causation package. Five great lessons and an assessment about one of the key moments in European history. More…

Anonymous_-_Prise_de_la_BastilleWhat and when was the French Revolution? Kick off your course with this action packed overview lesson. Can your students date the image? They will learn about the legacy and events of the revolution too. More…

ESpic1Who were the winner and the losers in France in the 1780s? This is the first part in a series of lessons on the causes of the Revolution. It is kinaesthetic  and gets across the unfairness of the Estate System. More...

Pic 3Why couldn’t France get out of debt in the 1780s?  This enquiry uses the modern financial crisis to look at the situation in France in the 1780s. Are the kids as smart as a King’s Minister? Difficult decisions need to be taken! More…

LouisHow far did Louis XVI live up to his portrait? Acting as art historians students assess whether Louis was accurately painted. They  present their expert view for a TV documentary and see his role in causing the revolution! More…

tCauses of The French Revolution: Pulling it all together. Here your class will classify, link and prioritise information. They  answer an assessed question.The bespoke mark-scheme will help pinpoint where each student is. More…

Hinrichtung_Ludwig_des_XVIWhen was it inevitable that Louis XVI would be executed? Higher order causation work: can you students decide when Louis’s number was up? They’ll have some unexpected assistance – Dr Who steps in to help them. More…

Jacques-Louis_David_-_La_Mort_de_Marat 1What did the artist David want us to think Jean Paul Marat was like? Story telling of a brutal murder leads your students to unlock the messages of David’s masterpiece. You’ll find this lesson is simply brilliant. More…

Jacques-Louis_David_-_La_Mort_de_MaratHow far was David’s Marat ‘a beautiful awful lie’? Can you students look at the message of this famous painting, then use the available evidence to work out how far it was the truth More…

RobespierreDoes Robespierre deserve the title ‘the butcher of the Revolution’? Why has a plaque commemorating Robespierre been moved above head height in Arras? Can your students solve the mystery? More…

baguetteWhy bother with the French Revolution? Your students look at the legacy of the French Revolution,  and answer someone’s complaint More…