History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

What can a cartoon tell us about the American collapse of 1929?

Picture1This enquiry looks at the causes for the economic crash of 1929 and depression that followed.  The enquiry focuses on a political cartoon drawn in 1927 and asks students to work out not only its meaning but also how far it deals with (and anticipates!) the causes of the crash in 1929.

We have deliberately avoided using a causation essay as an end task (we’re sure your pupils get plenty of opportunity elsewhere!) but there is plenty of scope to include one after students have worked through the different stages.


Download includes:

  • Lesson presentation – PowerPoint
  • Lesson write up – PDF
  • Resource 1 – PDF
  • Resource 2 – PDF
  • WS 1 cartoon annotation – PDF

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