History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Why did Hitler become Chancellor in January 1933?

volk etcThis cracking enquiry unlocks the secrets of GCSE success for your students. It shows them how to recall important reasons, helps them to sort and classify before explicitly modelling excellent explanatory writing.

The students are actively involved all of the way through. Initially the class raises questions, they then sort and group evidence. The lesson then helps them remember lots of information using an easy to recollect acronym.

They go on to sort the information under new headings and are then asked to prioritise the most important reason. Next they make links before being introduced to a student’s answer – but how good is it? Using success criteria they suggest ways the answer could be improved. They then explicitly see what good explanation and linking looks like before writing their own improved answer.


Download includes:

  • Enquiry presentation: PowerPoint
  • Enquiry write-up:PDF
  • Resource 1 – cards: PDF
  • Resource 2 –  sorting grids: PDF
  • Resource 3 – links diagram: PDF
  • Resource 4 – student answer: PDF

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