History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

How much can an internet questions forum tell us about what Nazis wanted from women?

Mutter mit KindernThe aims of this enquiry are for students to not take what is posted on the internet at face-value, but to analyse and check internet posts using the skills they have learnt in history. A GCSE student has asked a question on the web about Nazi policies and gained what seems is a credible reply. But is it?

Your class are presented with clues about women. How will they sort this information? Firstly in groups. Does this help work out if the internet post is correct? What happens when we look at what happened to women over time? This helps show your student how chaotic and reactive Nazi policy really was.

Next you can introduce some data on marriages and births to really deepen their understanding.  Did Nazi policy towards women work?

Finally, using all of this new acquired knowledge they are armed and ready to respond to the internet post.


Download includes:

  • Lesson Presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Resources 1-2: PDF (clues and extra challenge sheets)
  • W/S 1-3

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