History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Was Henry Metelmann a typical young Nazi?

HenryThis enquiry uses the personal story of the amazing Henry Metelmann to investigate the Hitler Youth. Henry moved to Britain after the war where he worked as a gardener at Charterhouse School and volunteered as a peace campaigner. However, as a youngster he was fascinated by the Hitler Youth, and went on the fight as a loyal Nazi against the Soviets on the Eastern Front.

This investigation looks to see if Henry is typical. Were all German youngsters as enthusiastic as Henry was about the Nazis? It cleverly looks at different purposes behind the Hitler Youth.

Your class will use a video clip and other source material to think hard about this question, before writing a detailed answer.


Download includes:

  • Lesson Presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Resources 1-3: PDF (venn diagram, sources and differentiated sources)

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