History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

The mystery of the skeletons: why were so many skeletons discovered at Charterhouse Square?

Pic 2Can your pupils work out the mystery of the skeletons? Why were so many bodies buried in the city of London? They will be using all the skills we want from historians: asking questions, generating hypotheses, using tentative language, investigating further and adapting their first ideas. And, they will pull of this work together at the end! This enquiry really models the enquiry process for them too.

You could use this lesson to introduce the Black Death to your classes. You could follow this up with the long term consequences by using our free lesson – Is Freddie’s mum right to complain?

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This great lesson is also available in the highly rated ‘Making Sense of History Book 1’ published by Hodder Education.

Hodder book