Here we aim to offer our thoughts and advice on a variety of topics related to history teaching.
You will be able to download documents that will help by offering our thoughts and guidance on a particular teaching issue, help promote discussion amongst your colleagues, or assist you lead a department meeting.
We aim to cover a whole host of areas including: the thorny issues of progression and assessment, what makes for good interpretations and significance work, how to make history meaningful to your students. A number of our successful inset sessions will be available to download.
- Teaching Historical Interpretations
- Using Historical Artefacts
- How to make History Meaningful
- Questioning
- Teaching Historical Significance
- Teaching Outstanding Primary History
- Ofsted history teaching and survey criteria
- Using tea to teach history
- What is good assessment practise at Key Stage 3?
We have also provided a list of useful websites where you can find more teaching resources on the internet.